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Research project: Lesson Ideas
On this page, you will find three lesson plans with the focus on listening and speaking MALL/CALL tasks.
The plans are designed for advanced, intermediate, and beginner learners of English or Spanish.
Lesson plan 1: Advanced learner (Spanish) developed with Philipp Scheerer
Watch the introduction-video for a first impression of the lesson!
This animated video was created with Powtoon. You can use it online and it is easy to handle. Registration is required and you get a three-day free full version as a welcome gift. After that, you can purchase premium plans. Unfortunately, the free version has very limited options.
Detailed description of the lesson plan:
When designing a MALL task, teachers should pay attention to the impact of the flexibility and time aspect of the activities. Palalas proposes a MALL task typology with eight variants:
1. TB-PF-GW time-bound, place-flexible, group/pair work
2. TF-PF-GW time-flexible, place-flexible, group/pair work
3. TB-PB-GW time-bound, place-bound, group/pair work
4. TF-PB-GW time-flexible, place-bound, group/pair work
5. TB-PF-IW time-bound, place-flexible, individual work
6. TF-PF-IW time-flexible, place-flexible, individual work
7. TB-PB-IW time-bound, place-bound, individual work
8. TF-PB-IW time-flexible, place-bound, individual work
MALL typology of this task: TF-PF-GW (2), TF-PB-GW (4)
Language learning objectives: authentic communication, listening, speaking, intercultural communicative competence and exchange
Objective of discussion: getting rid of prejudices and deconstruction of stereotypes
Digital Competence: Computer mediated communication and virtual exchange
ICT tools used: Video calling apps (Google Duo or Hangouts, Skype, Facetime, Zoom,...)
Google Duo is according to many sources the best app for video calls!
ensure data protection and ask for parents' permission
provide technical devices if necessary
find another school that is interested in an intercultural exchange program including second language learning
establish continuous contact and develop a plan for the first sessions
prepare the content of the discussion rounds
- set rules for correct and respectful communication
- teacher sets focus points for evaluation
ETwinning is a good platform to find another European class for collaboration!
conduct test phases including short introductory contact
ensure that local student has a partner from cooperating class
(alternative: form groups) -
make sure that the task is clear
tell your students that they should record their conversation
Many devices already provide screen recording apps, but others are i.e. Camtasia
Session 1: Discussion task for German students: Modern age vs. tradition. Is it always appropriate to preserve traditions? Discuss how bullfights in Spain are seen as a cultural heritage. Think about animal rights, protection, cultural heritage, and cultural values etc. How is the law?
What is the personal opinion of your buddy? After talking with your buddy write an online article (critical essay) in your e-Portfolio in order to support or to contradict the abolishment of bullfights in Spain.
(Alternative topic: independence discussions in Spain)
Session 2 (or same day if possible): Discussion task for Spanish students: Please ask your buddy about questionable traditions in their country (for example: Oktoberfest as a German prejudice or speed limits on motorways)
What is the personal opinion of your buddy? After talking with your buddy write an online article (critical essay) in your e-Portfolio about your topic.
After sessions and assessment:
students send recordings to the teacher
teacher listens to parts of the recording and elaborates according to the focus points
teacher also evaluates essay on e-Portfolio
teacher gives feedback to the group and individual feedback
students give feedback about the sessions
Other aspects:
Lesson plan 2: Intermediate EFL learner
You can find all details on the Prezi presentation below!
This is the first Prezi presentation I have ever created. I did not use it before because I considered it very confusing with too many animations. However, you can create the presentation according to your taste, and it has a free version with already many features available.
Lesson plan 3: Beginning EFL learner
Watch the video for the description of the lesson!
I used my simpleshow to create this explainer video. A free version is available and it is easy to handle. You can choose a template and add the text. You can also record your own voice. Unfortunately, the free version does not provide an html embed code, therefore I had to upload the video on Youtube.
MALL typology of this task (if phones are used): TB-PB-GW (3) if done in class, TF-PF-GW (2) if students continue working at home
ICT tools used: Voki, Tellagami, Chatterpix kids, Toontastic
Voki works better on computers, whereas Tellagami is only available on phones. I would use Toontastic for large scale projects because students can develop their own 3D cartoons, which in turn will take more time.

This is an example of Voki Creator, where students can develop their own avatars.

With the presenter page, students can add scenes,
backgrounds, texts, sounds and videos to their presentation.
You can find many examples and sample projects here. If schools would purchase a school licence, students could get access to premium options and teachers could manage their students assignments.
Hockly, Nicky and Dudeney, Gavin. 2014. Going Mobile. Teaching with hand-held devices. Surrey: Delta.
Palalas, A. 2015. The Ecological Perspective on the “Anytime Anyplace” of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning., Zamówienie nr S/2016/01/002504. <> (Zugriff am 16.08.2019)
Stanley, Graham. 2013. Language Learning with Technology. Ideas for integrating technology in the classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Walker, Aisha and White, Goodith. 2013. Technology Enhanced Language Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wilden, Shauden. 2017. Mobile Learning (Into the classroom). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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