Photos by: Azahara Cuesta and me
1 image 1000 words

This picture illustrates the main aim of my foreign language classes: to give my students the essential knowledge about the world. With knowledge about the world, I refer to culture, traditions, politics, etc., basically everything that is understood under the term 'otherness'. The foreign language should become a vehicle of communication. I am sure that interest in the target culture will raise their motivation to learn the new language. In addition, being confronted with other identities make them negotiate and renegotiate their self in relation to the larger social world. The most important benefit of the cultural and communicative knowledge is the open-mindedness that students will develop. An open mind enables students to see the world in many shades of color, are more tolerant, listen without judging and consider all sides of an issue, built trust and expands their relationships.
Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one
-Malcolm Forbes
On the first day, we discussed our images in groups and tried to guess the purpose of the other images of our fellow students. In my case, the students were able to identify my aim of choosing this picture. These are my fellow students' ideas about the image:
open your mind be open for other cultures & the world
understanding changes the world: there would be more sustainability, peace if people were willing for new ideas
implementing intercultural knowledge/experience/
thinking into our daily life
humans use to think in drawers-
intercultural competence should prevent this
raise awareness for intercultural behaviour
The European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators is a guidline designed for European educators to teach their students competences to use digital technologies critically and creatively. Therefore,

Therefore, DigCompEdu framework distinguishes six different areas.
Areas 1, 2 and 3 are stages of any teaching process, whether supported by technologies or not. The core of the framework is defined by Areas 2-5. Together these areas explain educators’ digital pedagogic competence, i.e. the digital competences educators need to foster efficient, inclusive and innovative teaching and learning strategies.
2.1 Selecting digital recources

You can find more information about the study week here!