Using research to develop professionally
Activity 1: Finding a research topic
This activity was created
with MindMup. It is very user-friendly and there is no registration needed. Again, the free version has limited options.

Activity 2: Observation sheet

Activity 3: Interview with Paul Miller
These questions came into my/our mind after using VEO for the first time during our observation in Barcelona. First I would like to ask questions regarding the technical aspect and afterwards some general questions about the app:
Is there an android/windows version planned? I do not own an iPad, therefore I am not able to use it and that’s a pity.
The video quality was not very convincing regardless of the device being used. I guess the App is reducing the quality in order to make the upload faster. Is there an upload planned to fix this problem?
After re-watching our lesson observation, we realized that the tags appear after the event has already happened. Wouldn’t it be better if the app could make the tags appear a few seconds earlier to prepare the viewer?
Is there a major update planned? If yes, which new features will it include?
Do you use VEO to get your own feedback, for example at presentations or conferences? Would you mind sharing your personal tagset?
How did the idea of developing an app evolve?
What problems did you face during the developing process and also afterwards?
Do you plan to develop another educational app?
How important is user feedback for you? How do you decide whether to include a customer’s idea to the app or not?