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Activity 1: First thoughts on VEO with Tomke
- very useful tool for own reflection
- easy to handle
- tagsets can be added afterwards
- you always need someone who's filming
- video may not reflect reality
- data protection and permission (especially in Germany) is difficult to obtain

Activity 2: Brainstorming
Before using VEO, I would need to set an objective. My objectives when being observed would be, for example, firstly about me and how I act in front of the class, for example, if I use a word very often, such as “okay”, or only “yes”. I would like to count them in order to reduce the number afterwards. I am also afraid of missing to recognize errors made by students. As a teacher, you need to correct them, of course not always, but you need to listen carefully. I think with VEO you can also observe students’ reactions and participation, for example during group work. You can see who is working how and therefore plan your lessons according to the results of the observation. In my opinion, the observation should last for a minimum of one or two weeks, but it fully depends on what you are planning to observe.
Activity 3: Own feedback experience
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